The end customer was in need of a centralized die storage system to better manage the inventory of dies used within their production processes. The provided system was designed to work beneath and existing overhead craneway and also to utilize concrete footers that had been installed earlier for cantilever racks which the customer had relocated.
Reconfiguration Of Available Vertical Space Was Needed To Consolidate Multiple MRO Parts Kitting Operations Onto A Flexible Mezzanine System. A Combination Rack Supported Mezzanine and Free Standing Mezzanine Were Built To Consolidate The Operations. The Design Eliminates The Need For Order Picking Forklifts And Rolling Ladders Used In The Prior Selective Rack Small Item Order Picking Process. The Design Significantly Increases The Pick Rate Per Labor Hour Resulting In An Indirect Labor Savings While Producing Kits In Substantially Less Time.
The Cantilever Rack System Provides Staging Space For Long Building Frame Components In Conjunction With A Narrow Aisle Four Direction Forklift Guided By Rails Mounted To The Cantilever Rack Structure. The System Provides Complete Interior Staging Of All Shipments To Eliminate Possible Weather Related Deterioration.
100% Accessibility of Low Velocity Products Can Be Stored Using A Variety Of Selective Rack Designs With Conventional, Narrow Aisle or Very Narrow Aisle Forklift Equipment. Specifc Designs Are Developed Based On The Available Building Area, Building Height And Other Limitations Discovered During A Site Visit And System Design And Development.
The integrated system shown provided staging of flat retail & case packaging, rolled raw and work in process materials, a shared finshed package take away and sortation conveyor system, a finished goods very narrow aisle warehouse racking system and a case picking, packing and shipping cell. The system allowed for the merging of several smaller manufacturing operations into a centralized manufacturing and distribution operation.
100% Accessibility of Low Velocity Products Can Be Stored Using A Variety Of Selective Rack Designs With Conventional, Narrow Aisle or Very Narrow Aisle Forklift Equipment. Specifc Designs Are Developed Based On The Available Building Area, Building Height And Other Limitations Discovered During A Site Visit And System Design And Development.
The Rack Supported Mezzanine With Work Stations Provides Greater Work Area For The Maintenance Department While Allowing Spare Parts Staging In The Rack Shelf Levels Beneath. It Also Limits Access To The Maintenance Departments Tools by Unauthorized Personnel.(Stairs Omitted For Visual Clarity)
A Plastics Supplier Needed A Cost Effective Way To Increase Their Storage Capacity And Improve Their First In First Out Inventory Tracking Due To Frequent Customer Required Physical Inventories. The Provided Customized Gravity Flow System Allowed That By Providing Multi Level Flow System With Personnel Walk Aisles In Place Of The Current Floor Loaded System. The Walk Aisles Allowed The Customer To Inspect And Touch Any Load Within The Gravity Flow Cell Without Risking Harm To The Associate Doing Work Within The System
The Provided Crane And Roll Out Cantilever Rack System Is Designed To Assist Associates In Picking Steel Rod, Tube Or Structural Components For Delivery To A Neighboring Fabrication Department. The Combined Crane And Roll Out Cantilever Rack System Provides Direct Access To Every Product Being Stored And Virtually Eliminates Double And Triple Load Handling To Access Any Specific Raw Material.
A roll up door manufacturer needed to optimize the staging ability of their standard door components that were long and heavy while retaining first in first out throughput capability. TSG took the layout of the building and provided a system that increased the area’s floor loaded capacity by double and eliminated the multiple numbers of times a load was touched as the forklift drivers had to “dig” the desired load out of the floor stacked configuration.